Matsuda Gonroku
마쓰다 곤로쿠

蓬萊之棚 Cabinet with Hōrai (Mount Penglai) design 蓬莱之柜 蓬萊之櫃 봉래지붕


A classic cabinet with doors on two sides (front and back), accompanied at the bottom by a shikishi box (box for square paperboards for writing poems or painting pictures) and an inkstone box. Opening both doors reveals a picture reminiscent of a folding screen painting, depicting a flock of cranes standing in the water. Mount Penglai, which is originally from Chinese mythology and is believed in Japan to be a utopia of eternal youth and immortality, is depicted using auspicious motifs of pine trees, bamboo, plum blossoms, cranes, and turtles. The posts of the cabinet body are made of teak, repeatedly coated with lacquer without applying cloth, and the shelves, doors, and other panels are made of cypress. The doors and side panels are made of cypress wood, covered with bamboo strips dyed with sappan wood and woven into meshes (ajiro); these then undergo a lacquering process known as suri-urushi, which involves repeatedly applying, spreading, and wiping off raw lacquer and polishing the surface, for a finish that enhances the beauty of the natural wood. The cranes’ eyes and beaks are depicted in gold hyōmon (inlaid gold sheet cutouts), the necks in rankaku (decoration with crushed eggshell), the bodies in gold and silver taka (raised) maki-e (decoration by sprinkling gold and silver powder onto a design, which has been drawn in lacquer and built up with layers of lacquer and other materials), the legs in shibo-urushi (lacquer mixed with protein, causing a chemical reaction that makes the lacquer sticky and thick) that is then scratched into, and the background flowing water in tsukegaki (fine-lined lacquer painting followed by a sprinkling of fine powder) using platinum powder. While twenty cranes (white-naped cranes) are clearly depicted in this work, there are no turtles to be seen, suggesting that they must be in the water.
The pines and plum blossoms are depicted as part of the designs on the back of the doors or on the accompanying boxes, while the bamboo is represented by the material used: the surface of the bamboo strips woven into mesh patterns (ajiro). The inkstone box and the shikishi box feature scattered characters from a famous waka poem by Emperor Kameyama (1249–1305) that expressed his determination to risk his life against the Mongolian invasions of Japan, using silver hyōmon (inlaid silver sheet cutouts) and mother-of-pearl inlay. This suggests that the artist was prepared for the possibility that the work might become known posthumously, as Japan’s defeat in World War II was looking likely. This masterpiece is a culmination of the artist’s life, incorporating everything about his art: his outstanding skills, his deep knowledge of lacquer, and his philosophy on the design and composition of craft works.

Born in 1896 in Kanazawa, Ishikawa. Graduated from the Ishikawa Prefectural Industrial School Department of Lacquer Art, specializing in gold-powder decoration, and apprenticed to Rokkaku Shisui while studying at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts Department of Lacquer Art. His works were first selected for the 8th Imperial Art Academy Exhibition (Teiten) in 1927. Following that, he exhibited at the New Ministry of Education Fine Arts Exhibition (Shin Bunten), the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten), and the Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition. Became a member of the Japan Art Academy in 1947. Designated a holder of the Important Intangible Cultural Property of maki-e in 1955. Participated in the establishment of the Japan Kōgei Association, and helped develop the next generation. Received the Order of Culture in 1976. Devoted himself to the pursuit of the classical lacquer art works of Japan and China, and established a prestigious style by comprehensively expanding on them.


옛 방식에 따른 양쪽으로 열리는 선반으로, 종이 상자와 벼루함이 선반 하단에 내장돼 있다. 양쪽 문을 열면 마치 병풍 그림처럼 학 떼가 물가에 서 있는 모습이 펼쳐진다. 일본에서 불로장생의 이상향으로 여겨지는 봉래를 송죽매(松竹梅)와 학과 거북이라는 상서로운 문양으로 표현했다. 선반 본체의 기둥은 천을 씌우지 않고 옻칠만 여러 번 덧칠한 티크재를, 선반판과 문 등 넓은 면에는 편백나무를 사용했다. 문과 측판은 편백나무를 소지바탕으로 사용하고 소방(蘇芳)으로 염색한 대나무로 짠 그물을 덮어 그 위에서 옻칠을 했다. 학의 눈과 부리는 얇은 금판을 오려 붙인 금평문(金平文), 목은 알껍질, 몸통은 금은분의 다카마키에(高蒔絵), 다리는 점성이 있는 옻칠을 긁어 표현하고, 배경의 흐르는 물은 백금분으로 그렸다. 20마리의 학을 배치한 반면, 거북이는 그려 넣지 않고 물속에 있는 것을 암시했다. 소나무와 매화는 문짝 뒷면과 부속된 상자에 문양으로 배치하고, 대나무는 그물코를 드러냄으로써 소재를 통해 표현했다. 가메야마천황의 시 “世のために身をば惜しまぬ心ともあらぶる神は照らしみるらむ(세상을 위해 몸을 아끼지 않는 마음을 신이 비춰주리라)”를 은박을 오려낸 은평문과 자개로 벼루함과 종이함에 흐트러지게 그려, 2차 세계대전에서 패색이 짙은 가운데 유작이 될 것을 각오하고 제작에 임했음을 짐작할 수 있다. 작가의 뛰어난 기술과 옻칠에 대한 깊은 지식, 공예품의 디자인 구성에 담긴 사상 등 모든 것이 집약된 일생의 대작이다.

1896년 가나자와시에서 태어났다. 이시카와현립공업학교 칠공과 묘금부 졸업 후, 도쿄미술학교 칠공과 재학 중 롯카쿠 시스이(六角紫水)에게 사사. 1927년 제30회 제국미술원전람회(帝展)첫 입선 이후 신문부성미술전람회(新文展), 일본미술전람회(日展), 일본전통공예전에서 활약. 1947년 예술원 회원. 1955년 중요무형문화재 “마키에(蒔絵)” 보유자로 인정받음. 일본공예회 창립에 참여하여 후진 양성에도 힘썼으며 1976년 문화훈장 수상. 일본과 중국의 고전 칠공예 작품을 깊이 연구하여 이를 종합적으로 발전시킨 격조 높은 작풍을 구축했다.